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Bernedoodle Full Grown: How Big Do They Get?

Updated 03/13/2024 – If you have your eye on getting a Bernedoodle you may be wondering how big does a Bernedoodle get and at what age is a Bernedoodle full grown?

Here we will explore when you can expect your Bernedoodle to stop growing. Plus how to estimate their size when a Bernedoodle is full grown.

Estimating the Size of a Crossbreed

Since the Bernedoodle is a crossbred between the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle there is less documented information about their growth cycles than there is for purebred dogs.

This means that in order to determine when a Bernedoodle is full grown and how big they may be we need to look at the parent breeds.

However, since the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle are in a different size class they will grow and mature at different times. On top of that Bernedoodles come in four sizes; Standard, Medium, Mini and Toy.

Bernedoodle Full Grown: How Big Do They Get?- graphic  with a cartoon Bernedoodle against a blue background

Puppy Growth Stages

In general puppies tend to grow very rapidly in the early months, but slow down as they reach maturity.

How quickly a puppy will grow will depend on the type of breed they are.

Small breeds Like the toy and mini poodle will grow quickly so they may attain their adult size by six to eight months.

Medium sized dogs like the Moyen Poodle, may take a little longer to reach their adult size. They should be fully grown at around 9 to 12 months of age.

Large and giant breeds, like the Bernese Mountain dog take much longer to reach their full size. Bernese Mountain dogs do not reach their adult height and weight until they are 2 or 3 years old. Even then they may still continue to fill out during their middle years.

The reason larger dogs grow-up much faster is because bigger bones and joints need more time to grow and develop.

5 Factors that Affect a Bernedoodle’s Size When Full Grown

1. Breed

The thing with purebreds is that you pretty much know what you are getting when it comes to looks and size. There may be small differences but most will fall within the predicted size range and look similar.

That’s due to the DNA that is passed down in the strictly controlled breeding of purebred dogs.

But as we all know, part of the charm with cross-breeds is that they are a wonderful blend of two different breeds. This means that without DNA testing we don’t know which genes are being passed down.

Breed Size

However, there are still some hints about their future size that we can take from the dog’s breed.

We know that the Standard Poodle falls in the large dog category and the Bernese straddles between the large and giant dogs categories.

This means a standard Bernedoodle will be a large dog. Though they will probably be smaller than a Bernese since the standard poodle is on the lower end of the height and weight chart for large dogs.

We also know that if you mate a Bernese with a mini poodle, the size will be smaller than a Bernese but much larger than a mini poodle. Which brings us to the next factor we need to look at.

2. Size of parents

A dog’s breed gives us hints about what size range we can expect, but the actual size of the Bernedoodle when they are fully grown will have a lot to do with the size of the parents and grandparents. Especially if the parents are closer in size.

It’s important to go back at least one or two generations to get an accurate prediction of size.

If the parents, grandparents and great grandparents are a medium sized dog there is a very good chance that the puppies will grow to be medium sized dogs as well.

But if there are large variations in sizes, like with a F1 Bernedoodle, where one grandparent is a full sized bernedoodle they are mated with a mini poodle there is still a chance that they will pass down genes that can not be seen by just looking at the parents.

3. Gender

Gender also affects the full grown size of a Bernedoodle. On average males are about 10% bigger in overall size than females.

4. Generation

Another big factor in the size of a Bernedoodle is their doodle generation.

A F1 mini Bernedoodle, which is a Bernese Mountain dog bred with a mini poodles will have a much larger size variation than a F1b mini Bernedoodle that is crossed back to a mini poodle.

The large size variation in the F1 mini Bernedoodle is due to the size difference between the mini poodle and Bernese.

When we look at the F1B Bernedoodle there may be less of a size difference between the F1 Mini Bernedoodle and the mini poodle. Plus when you mate the two, the puppies will end up with more genes from the mini poodle than the Bernese. You can see this in the F1B Bernedoodle infographic below.

Remember that dogs inherit one copy of all genes from each parent.

Since the F1 mini Bernedoodle is already half poodle and half Bernese when the genes are passed down, some will be from the Bernese side and some will be from the poodle side of the F1 Bernedoodle. Those genes will be added to the mini poodle’s genes, giving the dogs more mini poodle characteristics than Bernese. Bernedoodle - F1B Bernedoodle infographic  showing the breeding of a Bernedoodle.

5. Nutrition

It’s important to make sure your puppy gets adequate nutrition in terms of calories, vitamins and minerals to aid their growth.

Puppies need more calories per pound to grow than an adult dog. Which is why you need to feed them quality puppy food while they are growing.

But it’s important not to let your puppy eat too much and become overweight. Extra weight adds stress to growing bones and can lead to problems later in life.

Talk to your veterinarian about the proper diet for your puppy.

Brown and white Bernedoodle in grass

How big is a Full Grown Bernedoodle?

According to Bernedoodle breeders, the Bernedoodle’s adult size can be anywhere between 50 to 100 pounds. This is a wide range for a dog breed.

This is due to the big size difference between the poodle and Bernese, and also the size differences within each breed.

We were curious to see if this size range matched what people were seeing with their own Bernedoodles.

To find out we took a look at the actual weights of Bernedoodle puppies reported by Bernedoodle owners.

As you can see by the chart below there is a wide range in each age group that was reported, but the end result did match what breeders stated.

Bernedoodle’s Full Grown Weight

This chart shows the weight range for Bernedoodle puppies at a specific age shown in weeks. The chart was created using real data that was self-reported by real Bernedoodle owners.

Bernedoodle – Number of weeks old at time of weigh-in Bernedoodle Weight Range in Pounds
48 and up50-118
Actual Bernedoodle puppy weight range by weeks – Data collected from real Mini Bernedoodle owners.

Mini Bernedoodle’s Full Grown weight

According to mini Bernedoodle breeders, the Mini Bernedoodle can be between 25 and 50 pounds. Again this is a wide range for a dog breed.

We decided to put it to the test and look at actual sizes of the Mini Bernedoodle at different age ranges. As you can see by the chart below there is again a wide range in each age group that was reported. Some “mini” Bernedoodles turned out to be large dogs.

Mini Bernedoodle – Weight Range Chart

This chart shows the weight range for Mini Bernedoodle puppies at a specific age shown in weeks. The chart was created using real data that was self-reported by Mini Bernedoodle owners.

Mini Bernedoodle – Number of weeks old at time of weigh-inMini Bernedoodle Weight Range in Pounds
Actual Mini Bernedoodle puppy weight range chart by weeks old – Data collected from real Mini Bernedoodle owners. Bernedoodle Full Grown Graphic pin

When is a Bernedoodle Considered to be Full Grown?

Bernedoodles are considered full grown when they stop growing in both height and weight. But as you can see by the chart below, the parent breeds stop growing in height before they stop gaining weight. This means that a Standard sized Bernedoodle will be full grown by the time they are 2 years old, but will stop growing in height around 18 months. From 18 months to 2 years they will continue to gain weight but at a slower rate than when they were under a year old.

When does a Standard Bernedoodle stop growing in height?

If we look at the chart below we can see that the average time it takes for a Bernese Mountain dog and a Standard sized Poodle to reach their full height is about 18 months. This means a standard sized Bernedoodle will reach their full height at about 18 months.

Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dog Ages When Full Grown

BreedAge when they reach Full HeightAge when they reach Full Weight
Bernese18 months2 to 3 years old
Standard Poodle18 months24 months
Mini Poodle8-9 months12 months
Toy Poodle 6-7 months10 months
Average age the Bernese Mountain Dog, Poodle and Mini Poodle will reach full size.

When does a Standard Bernedoodle stop gaining weight?

If we look at that same chart we can see that the Bernese and Standard Poodle also take about 2 years to reach their full weight. This means it will take about 2 years for a Standard Bernedoodle to reach their full weight.

However, If they lean more towards a Bernese Mountain dog it can take up to 3 years before they reach their final weight, but most of the growth will happen in the first 2 years.

When does a Mini Bernedoodle stop gaining weight?

Again looking at the chart above we can see that it takes a mini poodle half the time to fully grow than it does for a Standard poodle. This makes figuring out how long it will take a mini Bernedoodle to grow a bit harder.

To find the answer we turned to people who own mini Bernedoodles. Based on their self-reported data we found that on average mini Bernedoodles stopped growing by 12 months of age. Most started to slow down around 10 months. But remember since the mini Bernedoodle is a mix, each dog may have different time frame to stop growing.

Is the Bernedoodle a large breed?

Dog breeds that average between 50 and 90 pounds and are 24 inches or more at the shoulder are considered large breeds. Since the standard Bernedoodle averages between 70 to 90 pounds and 23 to 29 inches, they are considered to be a large breed.

Dog breeds that average over 90 pounds are considered to be a giant breed. The American Kennel Club considers the Bernese Mountain dog to be a Giant breed even though some are under 90 pounds.

However some Bernedoodle have been known to grow to more than 100 pounds placing them in the Giant breed category.

Is the Bernedoodle too big for you? Check out our post Cavapoo Full Grown to see if the Cavapoo is a better fit.

How to estimate the size of your Bernedoodle as an adult

Because of all the factors listed above, guessing how big your puppy will be when full grown is difficult. But there are a few ways that people use.

  • The first is to double their weight at 16 weeks and add 5 pounds. The issue with this formula is that dogs grow at different rates. We can see from the chart above that mini poodles grow much faster than a standard poodle.
  • There are also puppy weight calculators, but these were also wrong for many people. I used this for my own dog. Based on the calculator she should be 30 pounds. She maxed out at 20 pounds.
  • If you look at the parents sizes you may get a good idea of how big your puppy will be. But again this is not 100 percent accurate. Puppies can inherit unseen traits from the parents that were handed down by grandparents or even great grandparents. One person reported that their 11 month old puppy was 100 pounds, but the parents were 75 pounds each.
  • If the breeding pair has had other litters together, the breeder should be able to tell you the size of the puppies from past litters. This may be the best way to get an idea on what size your puppy will be, but still not a guarantee.
  • There are also DNA tests that claim to be able to tell you how big your puppy is based on genetic markers.

How DNA tests can predict size

In a DNA study on dogs, scientists were able to predict the average dog size of the breed by looking at the dog’s Insulin-like growth factor (IGD) gene.

A breed’s IGF type predicted the average dog size of the breed. Within a breed, the percent of dogs that had the small IGF allele predicted how small that dog breed was. So this one gene, IGF, is a major contributor to dog size.

Big Dog, Little Dog – How IGF and humans influenced dog size; Nature

However, the size of a dog is not controlled by only one gene. In fact there are about 6-10 Major loci controlling the adult size of a dog. Plus this research is still developing.

What to expect once your Bernedoodle is Full Grown

When a Bernedoodle is full grown it is not just their size that changes, but also their energy level. At around 2 years old your Bernedoodle will start to slow down. Now that doesn’t mean they no longer need exercise and play time.

Tell us what size your Bernedoodle grew to

Bernedoodle Full Grown Resources

  • Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Growth
  • Big Dog, Little Dog – How IGF and humans influenced dog size – The Tech Interactive

Tricia White

Wednesday 9th of November 2022

I am looking forward to contributing to your statistics. I have a mini bernedoodle - Male. When I got him he was 9 weeks old and weighed 12 lbs. He looks just like his mother, a 68 lb Bernese Mountain Dog. Yes he is an F1 mini. His father is a miniature poodle at 17 lbs. He is fabulous looking and has been learning quite quickly. He is also extremely energetic. There is no end to the number of chews and toys he has and we constantly need to buy something new to keep him entertained. He loves balls big and small and now must have a chew in his mouth while playing with the ball. He is 22 weeks old now and weighs 36 lbs. We believe he is definitely going to be on the larger size of a mini bernedoodle but only time will tell. His name is Merlin and I hope to pop in to keep you up to date on his progress.

Tricia White

Sunday 18th of December 2022

@Tricia White, Merlin is now 6 mo and a couple weeks. (28 weeks old). He weighs 49 lbs. He learns very quickly and likes to be challenged. He does love the cold and snow which is great since we live in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. He is what I call a soft chewer...meaning he does not destroy everything he sinks his teeth into, but loves to play and chew on everything. He is always curious and those long legs and big paws can reach anything with ease. His fur is incredibly soft and we have had several inches cut down for brushing and grooming ease, but he still has 3 to 4 inches so quite wooly looking. His height is 22 inches. He is now at the upper height and weight range for most Mini Bernedoodle size charts so it will be interesting to see how big he gets. He loves to play with everyone and all animals he can. He has also learned our household routines well. I would certainly say for those who have kids...a bernedoodle would be a wonderful pet and companion.


Saturday 12th of November 2022


Congratulations on your mini Bernedoodle. Merlin is such a cute name for him. Sounds like you are having a great time. I can't wait to hear how big he gets.

Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes, Bonnie